Your one-stop shop for all things tax
Know the exact taxes to apply immediately at the point of sale.
Automate your tax compliance
Say goodbye to manual tax calculations and compliance headaches. Vatr automates the entire process, ensuring that the correct taxes are applied to every sale, every time. With Vatr, you can rest easy knowing that your business is always tax compliant.
Country-specific tax rates
Always apply the correct tax rates based on the customer's country
Reverse charge VAT
Automatically apply reverse charge VAT when selling to other businesses
Merchant country tax rates
Fall back to merchant country tax rates when customer country is unknown
Immediately find anything, anywhere, any time
Unlock efficiency with our powerful command palette: instantly locate anything, anywhere, any time! Harness the global search capability to find customers, sales, webhooks, API keys, and more with seamless precision.
Built for power users
Shortcuts everywhere
Uncover keyboard shortcuts throughout! Whether browsing menus or executing commands, expedite tasks with handy shortcuts spread across our platform. Bid farewell to repetitive clicks and welcome swift actions right at your fingertips.
Copy without hassle
Streamline your workflow by easily copying essential elements like IDs directly from our intuitive user interface with just a click.
Gain clarity and control with dynamic insights
Unlock the power of data-driven decision-making with our comprehensive insights and charts feature. Effortlessly track sales, monitor customer behavior, and stay informed about product performance to optimize your strategies. Plus, seamlessly manage tax obligations by accurately visualizing owed taxes across different countries, ensuring compliance and financial clarity at every step.
Seamlessly construct dynamic integrations with our open API, webhooks, and beyond
Unlock the power of data-driven decision-making with our comprehensive insights and charts feature. Effortlessly track sales, monitor customer behavior, and stay informed about product performance to optimize your strategies. Plus, seamlessly manage tax obligations by accurately visualizing owed taxes across different countries, ensuring compliance and financial clarity at every step.
Flexible and scalable pricing to suit your needs
No credit card requiredFor small teams getting started
Free forever
- 1 user
- Up to 100 sales per month
- Unlimited Products
- Unlimited Tax lookups
- Unlimited Customers
- 5 Webhook Endpoints
- Chat support
- Open API
For growing businesses
- 5 users
- Up to 3000 sales per month
- Unlimited products
- Unlimited tax lookups
- Unlimited customers
- Unlimited webhooks
- Chat support
- Open API
For larger enterprises
- Unlimited users
- Unlimited sales
- Unlimited products
- Unlimited tax lookups
- Unlimited customers
- Phone support
- Unlimited webhooks
- Open API
- Custom SLA